Plusieurs de nos livres ont été traduits et adaptés en anglais. Il en existe pour tous les âges, tous les goûts...
Pour les Tout-petits...
Twirly Kitty And The Ladybird
Le centième livre édité par Le Pré du Plain est traduit et adapté...5.00€ TTC
Tipea's Moods
Tipea sometimes behaves like a child. He can be happy or a little sad, shy or very angry ... Looking...5.00€ TTC
... qui grandissent...
A Very Mooey Pony
Children will love to read over and over again the adventures of this stubborn pony; a rythmed story...5.00€ TTC
The Surprise
Traduction adaptation de "La surprise". When Nina hears of a "surprise", she immediately...3.00€ TTC
... et sont même de plus en plus grands...
The Statue Which Ate Stones
A statue should always stay as its sculptor made it. But sometimes gluttony messes everything up. Traduction...3.00€ TTC
A Sweet Scare
Traduction adaptation d'Une peur délicieuse, tome 1 de la série Emil et Nicolay. Is...3.00€ TTC
... voire ados, adultes !...
Muhatsu and the Cicada
In his quest of the truth, Muhatsu meets a cicada which tells him: "I live in the present moment....5.00€ TTC
Muhatsu and the Buddha's Bowl
On his quest of truth, Muhatsu discovers that “One often meets her while fixing one’s mistakes”. Author...5.00€ TTC
Muhatsu and the Blind Man
In his quest for truth, Muhatsu meets a blind man who tells him: “In order to find her, you need...5.00€ TTC
Muhatsu and the Boatman
In his quest for truth, Muhatsu meets a boatman who tells him: “Each one must find the road leading...5.00€ TTC
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